Jennifer Thomas lives on the North Shore of Massachusetts, where she has been a wife, mother, all-around machinist, union activist, environmentalist, feminist, teacher, and science writer.


I’ve written about environmental and health topics for more than 30 years. Growing up in Florida in the 1970s, I was deeply affected by pelicans dying, and am forever grateful to Rachel Carson. Reading speculative and science fiction as a teenager inspired me to imagine how the world could be different.


Please Rate Your Experience (Honorable Mention, Flash Fiction Magazine Contest)

Sleepwalking into the New Confederacy…

Outlaw Santa (Liberation Road)

“It was only a matter of time before before the North Pole became an Amazon fulfillment center…”

Ask the Thompsons (365tomorrows)

Everybody likes advice columns…

“If You Can’t Stand the Heat” (Windward Review, forthcoming)

Why is this newlywed in jail?
